women draw women
This art project is being kindly supported with a grant by the Hessian Culture Foundation.
watch... interview about the Covid-19 time for art and culture in documenta-city Kassel (german):
I learned about how to embrace my artistic flow and to allow myself to express it.
" ...I learned many lessons beyond technically reproducing a flower or an apple – I learned about how to embrace my artistic flow and to allow myself to express it. I learned how to follow my impulses to tap into visual communication. To accept myself and what I can create. I also gained surprising insights about some of the blocks that I have been experiencing in other realms of my life connected to anxiety for over-perfectionism and time-management. At first, I resisted some of the timed drawing sessions – especially the very short ones – and then I started to see the value of how this constraint can be used to create a flow.
Overall, this allows for a greater diversity of expression and allows for more concentrated creativity. By accepting what I could do in the time provided, I realized that I am more powerful than I give myself credit for. This is an important lesson for me – and would be useful for many women I know.
Further, the community atmosphere that Shpresa nurtured in the art workshop also strengthened support networks for learning from each other and seeing how the same process can lead to such different art from other people – that we each have our own unique ways of being and ways of creating.
The process was a vehicle for opening heightened observation, awareness and appreciation about our inner selves and deep interconnections that surround us. I highly recommend this course!"
Dr. Margareta Lelea
Witzenhausen (D)
I am grateful to be reminded how much my younger self loved to draw.
"Dear Shpresa,
Thank you for an amazing online drawing workshop. I am impressed with your poise through all of the technology challenges I had with my devices. This workshop was a wonderful opportunity to take part from California with you and my sister in Germany.
Thank you for creating a joyful experience of looking closely, seeing deeply, drawing quickly and connecting emotionally. I appreciate that the focus of your workshops is process and attention. Your commentary on transformation and connection still resonates with me. I especially enjoyed eating a portion of my fruit model, then drawing the strawberry orange again.
Your simple exercises have given me tools to have fun with drawing in short bursts that fit around my work and family commitments. With a sketch book in my purse and a minute of time, I can play with lines and tones.
I am grateful to be reminded how much my younger self loved to draw.
Looking forward to taking part in a future workshop,
Dijana Florman
San Diego, California (USA)
One had the feeling that one was not really drawing but making art - without thinking whether ... one can draw.
„The workshop with Shpresa was a very great experience. It was very different from a usual drawing course that one would actually expect. One had the feeling that one was not really drawing but making art - without thinking about, if one would have believed, that one can draw.
I learned that you don ́t draw the world the way it would be in a photography. Instead you draw it the way you see and feel it with our own eyes. With Shpresa you don ́t just learn to observe the things with the eyes, but to perceive them from „the inside“. This is a realisation that has become an important aspect for my further development.
Shpresa achieved to take me back into my creative mode and accompanied me these two days on this journey. I never achieved such an artistic development before. She doesn ́t show you the „right way“ but she lets everyone find their own style in their own way and work on it.
The workshop has a very beautiful structure: one concentrates not only on the drawing but on the awareness.With the conversations, which Shpresa leads very well directed, one gets into a very beautiful, creative and relaxed atmosphere.This is how one gets more and more brave to try out the techniques.At the same time the workshop is being completed with many important hints that are given to develop the skills of drawing.
I am very happy that I could enroll in the workshop. For those, who would like to work artistically but really don ́t encourage themselves for that, this is the perfect workshop for you.“
Sandra Lysakowska, Berlin (D)
Man hatte das Gefühl, das man eigentlich gar nicht zeichnet, sondern Kunst macht - ohne darauf zu achten, ob man eigentlich vorher das Gefühl hatte zeichnen zu können.
"Der Workshop bei Shpresa war ein ganz tolles Erlebnis. Es war etwas ganz anderes, als ein typischer Zeichenunterricht, den man eigentlich sonst bei einem solchen Kurs erwartet hätte. Man hatte das Gefühl, das man eigentlich gar nicht zeichnet, sondern Kunst macht - ohne darauf zu achten, ob man eigentlich vorher das Gefühl hatte zeichnen zu können.
Ich habe gelernt, dass man die Welt nicht zeichnet, wie sie auf einer Fotografie wäre. Man zeichnet stattdessen, wie man sie mit den eigenen Augen sieht und spürt. Bei Shpresa lernt man nicht nur die Sachen mit den Augen zu beobachten, sondern "von Innen" wahrzunehmen. Das ist eine Erkenntnis, welche für mich eine wesentliche Rolle für meine Weiterentwicklung bekommen hat.
Shpresa hat es geschafft, mich in meine Kreativ-Phase zu führen und hat mich die zwei Tage dabei begleitet. Ich konnte mich noch nie so gut künstlerisch entwickeln. Sie zeigt einem nicht "den richtigen Weg", sondern lässt jeden seinen eigenen Stil auf dem eigenen Weg entwickeln und daran arbeiten.
Die Struktur des Workshops ist sehr schön: man konzentriert sich nicht nur auf das Zeichnen selbst, sondern auch auf die Wahrnehmung. Durch die Gespräche, welche von Shpresa auf eine sehr gezielte Art geführt werden, kommt man in eine sehr schöne, kreative, lockere und entspannte Atmosphäre. So wird man auch immer mutiger, die Techniken auszuprobieren. Parallel dazu werden viele wichtige Tipps verraten, welche den Workshop wunderbar ergänzen.
Ich freue mich sehr, dass ich an dem Workshop teilnehmen konnte. Für diejenigen, die Lust haben Kunst zu machen und sich aber gar nichts trauen, ist das genau der richtige Workshop."
Sandra Lysakowska, Berlin (D)